



 1.USB Wifi Adapter 1200Mbps (RTL8812BU-AC1200M)

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)


For Win11 / Win10 / Win8.1 / Win8  / Win7 / Win Vista / Win XP system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file RTL8812BU-AC1200M for Windows  3. Click Setup directly  4. Wait for the installation to complete) 


For MacOS10.9- 10.15 system please click this link to download the driver

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file RTL8812BU-AC1200M for MacOS 10.9-10.15  3. Click Install.pkg directly 4. Wait for the installation to complete


For linux system please click this link to download the driver:







2.USB Wifi Adapter 600Mbps

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)

Driver Link:







3.BCM Bluetooth 4.0 Dongle(BCM20702)


Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)


For Win8 / Win8.1 system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file Win8_8.1_Win10&Win11   3. Click Setup directly(DO not need to Click the file according to the number of bits of your computer: 32-bit or 64-bit  4. Wait for the installation to complete)



For Win10 / Win11 system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file Win8_8.1_Win10&Win11   3. Click Setup directly(DO not need to Click the file according to the number of bits of your computer: 32-bit or 64-bit  4. Wait for the installation to complete)



For Win7 & Vista system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file BT Bluetooth 4.0 Driver for Win7_Vista   3. Click the file according to the number of bits of your computer: 32-bit or 64-bit  4. Click Setup directly  5. Wait for the installation to complete)


For WinXP system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file BT Bluetooth 4.0 Driver for Win_XP  (DO not need to Click the file according to the number of bits of your computer: 32-bit or 64-bit ) 3. Click Setup directly  4. Wait for the installation to complete)






4.Bluetooth 5.0 Dongle(RTL8761B)

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)


For Win7 / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10 / Win11 system please click this link to download the driver:







5.Bluetooth Dongle CSR4.0(CSR8510)

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)


For Win11 / Win10 / Win8.1 / Win8 /  Win7 / Win Vista / Win XP system please click this link to download the driver:






6.USB Wifi Adapter 1750Mbps(RTL8814AU-1750M)

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)


For Win11 / Win10 / Win8.1 / Win8  / Win7 / Win Vista / Win XP system please click this link to download the driver:

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file RTL8814AU-1750M for Windows  3. Click Setup directly  4. Wait for the installation to complete) 


For MacOS10.9- 10.15 system please click this link to download the driver

(Installation instructions: 1. Unzip the file  2. Click the file RTL8814AU-1750M for MacOS 10.9-10.15  3. Click Install.pkg directly 4. Wait for the installation to complete


For linux system please click this link to download the driver:







7.USB 3.0 / Type-C To Gigabit Ethernet Adapter(AX88179A)


Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)

FOR For Win11 / Win10 system please click this link to download the driver:

For Win8.1 / Win8 system please click this link to download the driver:

For  Win7 system please click this link to download the driver:

For Win Vista / Win XP system please click this link to download the driver:


FOR MAC OS 10.9-11.1 system please click this link to download the driver:


 FOR Linux system please click this link to download the driver:







8. WiFi 6 Card PCIe 3000Mbps

Please download the driver corresponding to your computer system, then unzip and install it. 

(NOTE: an installation error will occur if you do not unzip the file before installation.)

Driver Link: